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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Kids May Say the Darndest Things, But You Can Learn a Lot About Love If You’ll Only Listen

The ListenLoveLearn process is based on a simple fact: listening is the key to success. It’s the primary means by which children learn in the classroom. In such an auditory world, children can quickly fall behind if they have hearing loss or face a challenging auditory process disorder (APD). All you want is to help your child listen better, but have you ever stopped to consider the value of learning from kids?
How long has it been since you really listened? Not to the news, not to the movie you’re watching, not even to your favorite music. When was the last time you really listened to your kids?
They may say the darndest things, but you could learn a lot about love from these tiny people. Consider Greg, age 8. He already knows that “love is the most important thing in the world,” though he does admit “baseball is pretty good, too.” Ava, also age 8, is wiser than her years. She knows that “one of you should know how to write a check because, even if you have tons of love, there is still going to be a lot of bills.” Floyd, age 9, sums up how we all feel: “Love is foolish…but I still might try it sometime.”
Statements like these come straight from the mouths of babes. They prove that children are watching, listening and learning about how adults talk and feel about our spouses. If the world was run by children, love would abound more than any other emotion.
That’s why the ListenLoveLearn process is all about providing a supportive, knowledgeable community to empower parents and children to communicate better. As we all know, half of good communication is good listening. And if you want your child to master the ability to listen at home and in the classroom, you have to be willing to listen back.
If you’re ready to join us on this exciting path of learning to listen – and listening to learn – please contact ListenLoveLearn today.
Image via Shutterstock.com