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Thursday, August 14, 2014

An Imaginative Child Is a Happy Child

Children who use their imaginations are not only entertained, they also learn something. It’s fairly commonplace to see a child pick up a stone and pretend it’s an airplane or hold out a stick for a swordfight. It’s this type of imagination play that serves as an important step in childhood development.
Many toys today are designed very realistically. While they are certainly beautiful to look at, they take the creativity and imagination out of play. To see some beautiful pictures of really happy, imaginative children having fun around the world with the toys they find around them, click here.
So why is imagination play so important? It’s not as simple as it seems. When your children set up scenarios with various toys in the living room, they are learning some very important skills, including:
  • Social skills: Dramatic play, such as playing house, allows children to experiment with their social roles. Cooperative play teaches them how to take turns and share. Pretending to be someone else lets children see the world from another person’s eyes.
  • Language skills: Whether playing alone or with others, children use words when playing. You might hear some phrases you didn’t know your children knew while they play. Imagination play also opens the door to learning new words and phrases.
  • Thinking skills: Inventing stories, solving problems and finding the right toys to make the game play out just right are all thinking skills that imagination play helps to develop. Even a bit of roughhousing is okay for learning self regulation, as long as you monitor the situation.
At ListenLoveLearnToys, imagination play is very important. Toys are categorized by age and the skills they help develop. There’s an entire category for Creative Play toys in each age range. For example, in the 5- to 7-year range, you can find everything from a coloring castle playhouse and pirate ship to jumbo dominoes and PowerClix to let your children’s imaginations go wild. Check it out!
Then, if you want to learn more about the importance of imagination play in helping your children grow and thrive, please contact ListenLoveLearn.

Image via Shutterstock.com